Sunday, December 27, 2009

The beast is out there...

WE cant help that every time there's a girl went missing or ended being raped or dead, we will automatically link it the case of Nurin Jazlin Jazimin.
Her death has opened many eyes. It caused a major uproar in the country. Years gone by, the sadistic killer who had tortured her young body still out there roaming the street.
WE still cant forget about what happened and whenever a young girl went missing such as Sharlinie, or the girl who was raped and left by the roadside in Klang, we cannot help thinking that it was the act of the same person who had killed Nurin.
That was how big was the impact of her death to our society.
The latest incident in which a body of a topless girl found in a retention pond in the city last week, yet again made us shiver.
Cruel. Simple as that. What kind of animal would do this to a young girl? Not only the killer strangled her to death, he also believed to have sexually molested her.
Cops declined to comment on that but it is learnt that there was a sign of penetration.
No one wants to confirm or denying it.
If one has grutch against the parents, go after them! Leave the innocent child alone!
What makes me feel weird about this case is, why did the mother only lodge a report two days after her daughter was abducted? Why not the day it self? After all the suspect she claimed only demanded few thousand ringgit. Not much. Fishy to me..the cops probably think the same way too but then again, its all depends on the outcome of the investigation.
Why? How? Who? Well...I hope we can solve the case this time. Charge them in court them stone them to death!! Can We???

P/s: Talk about girl missing and found dead. In Baltimore, US, a body of a girl who was reported missing from her house found on Christmas day. suspect? Her aunt's boyfriend-an ex-convict.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

a hug and a kiss no more...

Just last week, a woman lost her husband. He died after lost control of his machine trying to escape from snatch thieves. Wife fractured her legs in the incident and cant even attend her husband's funeral. Their two year old daughter going to grow up without her father's love.
Yesterday, a mother woken up by a phone call informing her of her son's death. He died after jumping out from a taxi trunk. Death caused by blunt trauma on the head. Thanks to the culprit who had earlier robbed him and bundled him up in the trunk.
Suspects in both cases still at large. I wish them hell and when police manage to catch them..i wish them to be stoned to death. if only we can do that here...Other punishment wont get them to feel the hurt they had caused...i wish them hell and long suffering and infected by incurable diseases..die pain...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I like to learn.
So I googled the definition of literally and insert it in a sentence.

This is the result:

Its a speedy judgment literally for the ex-army who molested his two daughters at Jalan Duta Magistrate's court today.
The magistrate passed the judgment within minutes after the 37yo pleaded guilty to the charges read to him.

What the definition of literally?
Since the early 20th century, literally has been widely used as an intensifier meaning ***in effect, virtually,*** a sense that contradicts the earlier meaning ***actually, without exaggeration***: The senator was literally buried alive in the Iowa primaries.

You see, the senator wasnt really buried.

Same goes with He was literally beaten like a drum.

But the use of literally is often criticized; nevertheless, it appears in all but the most carefully edited writing. Although this use of literally irritates some, it probably neither distorts nor enhances the intended meaning of the sentences in which it occurs.

So the conclusion? English is fun as long as one knows how to put the sentence right. I guess or so I heard.
Open for discussion?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

When do one really grow up?

I think when one understands the word responsibility and empathy. What do you think?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

name calling

Today is crap day. Net sucks. Maybe because of weather maybe because Maxis decided that they should do something with my connection since I still owe them one month subscription fee.
Anyways despite of having problems with net, slow like snail, I still manage to browse. Hop from one blog to another reading some great postings.
However, I feel a bit taken aback with the comments that I read.
The blogger, I shall not mentioned the name, is not a favourite among some people and I think it's because how he expressed his mind through his postings. But I never thought people are so spiteful until I read the comments on his posting.
Expressing anger and disagree by name calling just so low.
It makes you look stupid. Lol. Anyways if it meant like a joke or anything it should be fine I guess or a form of endearing names for your loved one like butt head or jackass.
I have nothing better to do right now.
Too lazy to go out and tired.
Work day tomorrow. ahhh... work day....

Monday, October 12, 2009


When I was 7 I was asked this question and my answer would be the common three answers not in particular order - police, soldier and doctor.

I just said it for the sake of it. Never meant it even a bit. Just say it because everyone does.

The same question posed to me when I was 8 and 9 and 10. The WANT TO BE changes every time the question asked.

The last three answers I gave to the teacher when asked this question if I'm not mistaken were an astronomer, archaeologist and an engineer.

But at the end of the day I turned up to be a journalist. I think it is as close as being archaeologist because I wanted to become an archaeologist so bad. Love the part of solving the mystery, the adventure of uncovering the hidden treasure, the history of old age and last but not least the sense of freedom.

I guess thats how I ended being in crime desk for more than three years now.

I was actually never really want to do it.

I remember the first time I was interviewed by my editor. The first thing he asked was, what do I like to cover.

I told him arts. Anything to do with performing arts because I love arts. He asked why not politics. I told him it was too dirty and I have no interest in it. He lectured me about politics and told me even that I do not like it, I need to know and keep myself alert all the time on the country's political situation and also the current news.

Did not really bother at first. I just nod pretending that I understand what he said while i was not. hah! the art of pretending. ahahahaha.

But I do know that I love my job.

Im not saying im old hah! But I somehow realised that younger generation, most of them do not really understand why they becoming a journalist in the first place.

Or what they trying to achieve or what do they really sees in their work and to make a good use of the opportunity given to them to actually open up a bigger opportunity for themselves.

Or let others see their potential in not only absorbing knowledge but also developing their skills in becoming a good journalist.

I’m not saying I know either ahahaha but I do know I want this. I want to be here. There's always a room for improvement and welcome it all the time.

Im going to say something here which others may not agree. But this is solely my opinion and based on my observation with what I hear and sees around me.

I started as a rookie.Was ready to learn and take all the knowledge I can get. Thought I could go in deep depression and thought I would get heart attack and high blood pressure when I was under the tutelage of my former boss Lionel. Well not many would agree with me but to me he's a very good boss. Hard as nails.

Often I wanted to change desk. Told them wanted to change to sports or back to news. Started with news desk before being lend to crime desk and stayed there when the head decided to keep me.

And my hunger for news got me on the feet all the time. Tired? Cant described how tired I was. I can only say this- I would fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

Now days what I see is the young ones have no passion.

They do not really see it in a bigger picture.

Wanting an easy way.

What is it that you want young ones. A short story with a door gift? or a piece of an article that you put your hard work in it and be good because you get it done and get it delivered as how the boss expected.

At the end of the day its the self satisfaction. I think when one do not really get the result as how they want it or giving them the good feeling as how they expect it. I think they should start asking themselves what do they want in their lives.

This is my humble opinion.

Here it is, I think if one did not show that they are good at what they are doing, how would other entrusted them with other things? If all you think of is just processing press releases and be in an air conditioned room all the time might as well you become a typist or just a copy writer.

And I do think, when you are young this is the time where you work harder to make full use of the energy you have to show that you are fit to be in this line.

After all being a journalist means you have to have stay hungry for news. You would want more and more.

Oh mind what others say or mind what your rival might say.

Its not their expectation you need to be concerned about its your bosses, and most importantly yourself.

If you stop being hungry and stop learning and stop improving then might as well stop living.

I do think if one work hard enough, people will notice. You will be rewarded for your hard work. The time will come where you would reap the fruit of your labour.. it will come...and when it would look back and say...ahh..what a long way..what an experience...and you would be smiling...

This is something I need to remind myself constantly.

We do not always get what we want but make full use of the opportunity given to us and stay hungry all the time.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Raya without Abah

It has been 15 years, my family and I celebrated Raya without abah. So many things happened in between those long years.
It was that long mom been by herself to take care of me and the rest of the siblings.
It was also the same time when I lost my abang long in an accident.
But I am blessed that we are still here today and be able to gather at mom's place again to celebrate Raya.
Happy to see my sister as well as my niece and nephew.
As for celebrating Raya without abah and abang long, i still have this empty feeling although it has been many years been without them.
I'm not close to abah but I do missed his presence. He was very strict. What do u expect from a disciplinary teacher? I know he loved us, it just that he's not someone who you say expressive over his feeling except for anger but I loved him still after all he's my father.
My abang long hmm... what can I say about him. Loved him but God loved him more. We were buddies.
Pagi Raya was the hardest. Mom cried. WE were all crying. Sentimental abis bila dengar takbir.
This year Raya is no different from the previous one. Just something happen on the fourth day of Raya which took the joy away.
What was it? Well..sometimes it best just let it be kept a secret.
But I'm glad at least I got home and be with mom, enjoyed her cooking. loveeeeeee her fried noodle, nasik lemak and ayam goreng belacan.
I wish abah and abang long were here. I envy those who still have their mom and dad with them.
Missed that feeling.
So those who still have mom and dad, cherish them. They can be cranky. Overly sensitive. Act like a baby sometimes, overly protective, serious folks and so many more that probably make you want to scream from on top of your lung.
They however still your parents.
So Selamat Hari Raya to all of you that stop by at this blog to read my post. Minta ampun dan maaf kalau terkasar bahasa atau ada apa2 dalam blog yang menyinggungkan perasaan.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

whats the fuss about?

I was born in a very small town in Seberang Perai where chinese is the main population.
Malays and Indians considered minority in town. Well, our numbers are quite big but most of the malays stays in kampung while indians in estates. chinese right smack in town.
But you know despite of having chinese conquering the town, we have mosque and hindu temple not far from each other.
I'd say about 10 minutes walk? But never. Never in my life, during my childhood or throughout my teen years that we ever fight about the worship place.
Hindus can peacefully perform their prayers tho main road sometimes jam because cars were not parked properly but thats about it. Same with the muslim. This coming Hari Raya going to cause a bit jam in town due to Raya prayers but its a normal thing when it comes to festive season. Its not an everyday thing.
I believe that we have to tolerate a little bit in order to coexist.
If you say the sound of bell of a hindu temple annoying then what about the sound of azan? or the sound of those who recited quran?
As for chinese? They did not make a fuss over this that i know of. Oh besides temple and mosque, my town also have churches and chapel.
There's one in my residential area. about five minutes walk from my house.
It was my playground when i was young.
I snuck in to play the one say anything about it.
Chinese everywhere in my residential area. Would be hard to miss them.
There's indians too even though its not many but we are fine. So I a bit confuzzled about all the fuss created by Section 23 residents in Shah Alam.
Read this. Shah Alam Section 23
Whats wrong with having temple there?
Wake up! we live in a multiracial country. Do not be selfish. Stop complaining and be thankful that we are not restricted in perfoming our prayers or going to god worship place.
I love my country well i know it sounds a bit cheesy but I do love my country. And i love our diversity. I love the fact that we are multiracial. There;s no problem before, and should be maintained that way. Respect is the word for us to keep and to hold.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

This is hilarious

Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim has never failed to amuse me.
If I'm not mistaken it was two weeks ago that he announced the planning of filtering the internet to curb porn content.
Now he made another comment which got me laughed out loud sampai tak nampak mata.
A singing Mat Rempit Datuk Seri?
Read here
Of all other stuff that they can do to make use of their past time, you encourage them to sing?
I mean, I have nothing against music, singing but singing at stall?
I mean what kind of comment is that?
These Mat Rempits when caught should be put to rehabilitation centre yes indeed.
That is my opinion.
Give them some skill.
Get them into farming or the basic computer skills or some bengkel perbaiki motorsikal or kereta.
Something which useful.
Want to help them? Thats how.
Come on Datuk Seri, think before you speak.
Oh one more thing.
Can you please pick up your phone?Or get your assistant to hold it for you?
It's kinda hard to get you even by SMS.
Oh, I understand Datuk Seri, you are a busy man but so do other Menteris who take time to reply the SMSES.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why are you being so RUDE, YB?

Do you need to be rude to get your message across YB? Were you not taught when u were young on how to respect others?
This is a first time someone told me that I do not deserve to get his comment but being a journalist, its my duty to ask question.
And it came from someone who's job is to serve the public!
I am not sure what got him so riled up was it because my race? my religion? my profession? or my gender?
He didnt even let me finish my sentence during both of my calls.
Is that how you make decision YB?By not listening to others?
Whatever it is YB, please have some manner when talk to others, do not talk to them like they are lesser human being.
After all I do talk to you in a very good manner.
Not everyone like you but I have somehow has lost respect for YOU.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


It's the time of the month-the first day to be exact. The day I usually spend in bed. No pillow. Just plain hard mattress to support my back. MY lower back is like a bitch now. Annoying. lol. Cramp ahhh a usual thing that happens on the first day. Have you ever experience this when you on your menses/on the rag? It's now feel like someone squeezing, pinching, thumping on my lower back. F$%^&king aching. I try to get some sleep but I cant. So here I am, with few pillows supporting my back, sitting, checking the blogs and updating mine.
Amazingly when Im on my first day,I wont feel hungry cuz tummy rasa macam penuh sangat.
But I guess, what I'm experiencing now is not that bad compared to the ones who passed out due to the excruciating menstrual pain.
Yeah met a few including my cousin.
That's it for now. Lower back giving signal to stop and lay down.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Good measures Bad Measures?

Today the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced several things to mark his 100 days in office as a prime minister-a people friendly measures. The measures were announced at KL Convention Centre.
Here for the full article.

Among the things mentioned were discounts for frequent toll road users who use touch and go prepaid card. It however only for those who uses it 80 times or more in a month.
Which I think is a good move. Of all on the list, I however have a reservation over two things.
One is on the reduction of learning to ride fee for Class B motorcycle from RM700-800 to just RM211.If im not mistaken, this is the type of bike use by Mat Rempits.
My fear is, the measure which I think was made on a noble intention to help the poor or ease the burden of rakyat, abused or misuse.
Are this gonna create more licensed mat rempits? This for sure going to put more bikes on the road. This is going to be hazardousss. Ini belum lagi kita cakap pasal crime. Harap-harap depa dah pikiaq dulu sebelum bagitau tadi.
Satu lagi ni hah pasal teksi. Another 3,000 permits? Meaning another 3,000 taxis on the road?
Even now we have orang pajak2 taxi to immigrants just like any ali baba project. Sama macam sewa kedai which allocated to bumiputras.
Is this going to create more problems? My fear,Sir, it will...
So how ah?
What do you think?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Up Above The skY

This is something interesting. I am afraid of height. That explains why I opt to low rise building. Even my rented apartment is on the ground floor of five storey building. Tinggi tuu. I cannot imagine myself living in high rise building and it scares the shit out of me when I read on this article published in today. Look at the pictures. Look at that. These are the views from the balconies suspended 1,353 in the air and jut out four feet from a skydeck of the tallest building in America-Sears Tower in Chicago.
Its a four glass box viewing platforms which stick out of the building 103 floors up.
I know, I know, the people who built that glass balconies are not amateur but hey I can't help of thinking what if the material not strong enough to support one's body weight? What if the glass floor suddenly break, shattered? Chances of survival if that happens-NADA. It sure looks good, impressive. I will not stay there even if you give me 500,000 ummm if you triple the amount I'll reconsider. Hehehe.

Friday, July 3, 2009

old old me nice nice feeling


88 year old waiter. Uncle errr lupa tanya nama.

This is what I call coollll. Makan steak ngan roti mamak

Now..thats not apple. It's Tomatooo. Ha!amik ko. ngap sebijik.

Okay, I just put the title up because I cannot think of anything else. Should I put nostalgic? Who cares. Ahahaha.
Anyways here I am blabbing away after being ask on when would i update my blog. A colleague say weh bila nak update? I just gave her a smile. Dont have time. I need to thinkkk thinkkkk before blogging ahahaha.
Okay but I have something I want to share with you guys.
Three days or so ago, (cant remember the exact day-ilang ingatan) My friend took me to this nice old rustic restaurant smack in the heart of kl called Colleseaseum Cafe please correct me on the spelling if im wrong ok. I'm too lazy to google.
He said the place serves the best lamb chop in town. I agreed to follow, though I do not eat lamb.
We arrived around 9pm. It looked like a very old cafe.
Gosh rustic. It felt like stepping in a black and white movie where the diner looked so simple. the waiter in white uniform waiting by the table.
No fancy table cloth just simple white. Very plain wall.
Lighting was sedang sedang sahaja. No music but can hear people chatting and the clacking sound of spoon. The place look so old that even my friend's chair has plasters on its seat. ahahahaha. They are good at budgeting I guess, use it until its broken.
When I enter, I saw this one old man. I thought he was a patron until he came to our table and said "May I have your order please?" and my jaw dropped.
Goshhh he looked old!! well he is old. But still strong. Can see the line on his forehead..his fragile fingers penning down our order.
My friend said "Weh! dont stare!" but I kept on staring. Can't keep my eyes off him. It's rude I know.
Then I ask him, "Uncle may I ask, how old are you?" he smiled and say "88". Cant believe what I hear. I asked again. "Uncle, how long have you been working here?" he answered "48 years" and walked away.
Now that is long. He started working in 1960s. My friend told me that the waiters at the cafe are seasoned(orang lama). They do not take youngsters. Only tonight he said that he saw a few but the rest still orang lama. Wow they really preserve not only the place but the staffs too it seemed.Which is cool. Now as for the food, they have quite a variety of food. They have steaks, all the goreng2 melayu dishes also ada. If you want to mabuk also ada.
Okay one thing I found to be interesting is usually when one order steak, it comes with bread. the small bread yang bulat tuuuu. But this place serves it with roti mamak. ahahahah yes the one yang mamak motor bawak tuuu. kinda cool. Thanks to my friend. Dinner there its like visiting the zaman dolu dolu.
But our dinner there tak lama. They closed at 930pm. Feels like visiting the place again. Anyone wants to join me?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I was not in the office when MACC officers came by to have a 'chit chat' with my editor Yushaimi Yahya and my colleague Nevash Nair.
Not in the office when he(Nevash) spent hours at Selangor MACC being questioned by the officers over his article published in Malay Mail on Monday.
But when I got to know what happened to him that night and the questions posed to him during the interrogation, I got confused. Riled up too. He is just merely doing his duty as a journalist.
He quoted the people who gave him the information not based on his judgement. He gave full cooperation. Told them, their senior officer who he had contacted and the reply given to him.
All mentioned here in an article by another young Malay Mail journalist- kapar-landgrab-macc-reacts-saga
I was told that MACC has lodged a police report on this BUT If they have lodge a report with police over the issue, why do they have to confiscate Nevash's laptop and cell phone?
Being a crime journalist for many years, I might have missed something. But correct me if i'm wrong.
If its to help investigation into slander/defamation case is it not police who should do the investigation? Is it not police who would do the confiscation? Saya peninglah!
How ah?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the beginning

testing testing...there is always first for everything. I'm nervousss. Yeap I really do.