This is something interesting. I am afraid of height. That explains why I opt to low rise building. Even my rented apartment is on the ground floor of five storey building. Tinggi tuu. I cannot imagine myself living in high rise building and it scares the shit out of me when I read on this article published in dailymail.uk today. Look at the pictures. Look at that. These are the views from the balconies suspended 1,353 in the air and jut out four feet from a skydeck of the tallest building in America-Sears Tower in Chicago.
Its a four glass box viewing platforms which stick out of the building 103 floors up.
I know, I know, the people who built that glass balconies are not amateur but hey I can't help of thinking what if the material not strong enough to support one's body weight? What if the glass floor suddenly break, shattered? Chances of survival if that happens-NADA. It sure looks good, impressive. I will not stay there even if you give me 500,000 ummm if you triple the amount I'll reconsider. Hehehe.

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