Okay, I just put the title up because I cannot think of anything else. Should I put nostalgic? Who cares. Ahahaha.
Anyways here I am blabbing away after being ask on when would i update my blog. A colleague say weh bila nak update? I just gave her a smile. Dont have time. I need to thinkkk thinkkkk before blogging ahahaha.
Okay but I have something I want to share with you guys.
Three days or so ago, (cant remember the exact day-ilang ingatan) My friend took me to this nice old rustic restaurant smack in the heart of kl called Colleseaseum Cafe please correct me on the spelling if im wrong ok. I'm too lazy to google.
He said the place serves the best lamb chop in town. I agreed to follow, though I do not eat lamb.
We arrived around 9pm. It looked like a very old cafe.
Gosh rustic. It felt like stepping in a black and white movie where the diner looked so simple. the waiter in white uniform waiting by the table.
No fancy table cloth just simple white. Very plain wall.
Lighting was sedang sedang sahaja. No music but can hear people chatting and the clacking sound of spoon. The place look so old that even my friend's chair has plasters on its seat. ahahahaha. They are good at budgeting I guess, use it until its broken.
When I enter, I saw this one old man. I thought he was a patron until he came to our table and said "May I have your order please?" and my jaw dropped.
Goshhh he looked old!! well he is old. But still strong. Can see the line on his forehead..his fragile fingers penning down our order.
My friend said "Weh! dont stare!" but I kept on staring. Can't keep my eyes off him. It's rude I know.
Then I ask him, "Uncle may I ask, how old are you?" he smiled and say "88". Cant believe what I hear. I asked again. "Uncle, how long have you been working here?" he answered "48 years" and walked away.
Now that is long. He started working in 1960s. My friend told me that the waiters at the cafe are seasoned(orang lama). They do not take youngsters. Only tonight he said that he saw a few but the rest still orang lama. Wow they really preserve not only the place but the staffs too it seemed.Which is cool. Now as for the food, they have quite a variety of food. They have steaks, all the goreng2 melayu dishes also ada. If you want to mabuk also ada.
Okay one thing I found to be interesting is usually when one order steak, it comes with bread. the small bread yang bulat tuuuu. But this place serves it with roti mamak. ahahahah yes the one yang mamak motor bawak tuuu. kinda cool. Thanks to my friend. Dinner there its like visiting the zaman dolu dolu.
But our dinner there tak lama. They closed at 930pm. Feels like visiting the place again. Anyone wants to join me?
kenapa pergi tak ajak?
ReplyDeleteGoing again soon. Jom!!! But we gotta go there early la. We discuss on Sunday.
ReplyDeleteJom Muzliza. Kita pegi nanti. :)
ReplyDeletewah kat mana ni? macam best je?!!
ReplyDelete"88 year old waiter. Uncle errr lupa tanya nama."
ASAL TAK TANYA NAMA!!! hehe .. uncle tu dari mana? apa background dia? married? children? ada criminal rekod tak?
weh thats not for story just out of curiousity. Amboi amboi!
ReplyDeleteNAK PEGIII! *Sambil tumbuk dada mcm gorilla*.