Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why are you being so RUDE, YB?

Do you need to be rude to get your message across YB? Were you not taught when u were young on how to respect others?
This is a first time someone told me that I do not deserve to get his comment but being a journalist, its my duty to ask question.
And it came from someone who's job is to serve the public!
I am not sure what got him so riled up was it because my race? my religion? my profession? or my gender?
He didnt even let me finish my sentence during both of my calls.
Is that how you make decision YB?By not listening to others?
Whatever it is YB, please have some manner when talk to others, do not talk to them like they are lesser human being.
After all I do talk to you in a very good manner.
Not everyone like you but I have somehow has lost respect for YOU.


  1. YTBK nama baru dia. Tau tak apa? Yang Tak Behormat Kote.

  2. Babe! Dia ada level kematangan terhad. Heheh mungkin. Saya retract! Jangan mareeee

  3. wah....shoot him with a gun...
