It has been 15 years, my family and I celebrated Raya without abah. So many things happened in between those long years.
It was that long mom been by herself to take care of me and the rest of the siblings.
It was also the same time when I lost my abang long in an accident.
But I am blessed that we are still here today and be able to gather at mom's place again to celebrate Raya.
Happy to see my sister as well as my niece and nephew.
As for celebrating Raya without abah and abang long, i still have this empty feeling although it has been many years been without them.
I'm not close to abah but I do missed his presence. He was very strict. What do u expect from a disciplinary teacher? I know he loved us, it just that he's not someone who you say expressive over his feeling except for anger but I loved him still after all he's my father.
My abang long hmm... what can I say about him. Loved him but God loved him more. We were buddies.
Pagi Raya was the hardest. Mom cried. WE were all crying. Sentimental abis bila dengar takbir.
This year Raya is no different from the previous one. Just something happen on the fourth day of Raya which took the joy away.
What was it? Well..sometimes it best just let it be kept a secret.
But I'm glad at least I got home and be with mom, enjoyed her cooking. loveeeeeee her fried noodle, nasik lemak and ayam goreng belacan.
I wish abah and abang long were here. I envy those who still have their mom and dad with them.
Missed that feeling.
So those who still have mom and dad, cherish them. They can be cranky. Overly sensitive. Act like a baby sometimes, overly protective, serious folks and so many more that probably make you want to scream from on top of your lung.
They however still your parents.
So Selamat Hari Raya to all of you that stop by at this blog to read my post. Minta ampun dan maaf kalau terkasar bahasa atau ada apa2 dalam blog yang menyinggungkan perasaan.
It was that long mom been by herself to take care of me and the rest of the siblings.
It was also the same time when I lost my abang long in an accident.
But I am blessed that we are still here today and be able to gather at mom's place again to celebrate Raya.
Happy to see my sister as well as my niece and nephew.
As for celebrating Raya without abah and abang long, i still have this empty feeling although it has been many years been without them.
I'm not close to abah but I do missed his presence. He was very strict. What do u expect from a disciplinary teacher? I know he loved us, it just that he's not someone who you say expressive over his feeling except for anger but I loved him still after all he's my father.
My abang long hmm... what can I say about him. Loved him but God loved him more. We were buddies.
Pagi Raya was the hardest. Mom cried. WE were all crying. Sentimental abis bila dengar takbir.
This year Raya is no different from the previous one. Just something happen on the fourth day of Raya which took the joy away.
What was it? Well..sometimes it best just let it be kept a secret.
But I'm glad at least I got home and be with mom, enjoyed her cooking. loveeeeeee her fried noodle, nasik lemak and ayam goreng belacan.
I wish abah and abang long were here. I envy those who still have their mom and dad with them.
Missed that feeling.
So those who still have mom and dad, cherish them. They can be cranky. Overly sensitive. Act like a baby sometimes, overly protective, serious folks and so many more that probably make you want to scream from on top of your lung.
They however still your parents.
So Selamat Hari Raya to all of you that stop by at this blog to read my post. Minta ampun dan maaf kalau terkasar bahasa atau ada apa2 dalam blog yang menyinggungkan perasaan.